Characteristics of OCD

Cards (15)

  • what is OCD characterised by the presence of?
    obsessions and/or compulsions
  • what are obsessions?
    recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive or unwanted.
  • what are compulsions?
    repetitive behaviours or mental acts that an individual feels driven to perform.
  • What does the DSM classify OCD as?
    The DSM now classifies OCD in its own family of disorders.
    It used to be classified as an anxiety disorder.
  • What is the cycle of OCD?
    Obsessive thought -> anxiety -> compulsive behaviour -> temporary relief (repeat)
  • what is involved in part A OBSESSIONS for OCD in the DSM?
    - obsessions
    1) recurrent, persistent thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive, unwanted and cause anxiety or distress.
    2) the person trys to ignore or supress them or to neutralise then with compulsions.
  • what is involved in part A COMPULSIONS for OCD in the DSM?
    - compulsions
    1) repetitive behaviours or mental acts carried out due to obsessive thoughts or rigid rules.
    2) behaviours are aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing a dreaded event from happening, they are not connected in a realistic way with neutralising the event and are clearly obsessive.
  • What is involved in part B for OCD in the DSM?
    obsessions or compulsions are time consuming (1 hour + per day) or cause significant distress or impairment in social or other areas of functioning.
  • which criteria in the DSM must be met for a diagnosis of OCD?
    Both 1 and 2 in criteria A (obsessions and/or compulsions) and criteria B must be met for a diagnosis to be made.
  • what are the emotional characteristics of OCD?
    - Anxiety and Distress due to both obsessions and compulsions.
    - Accompanying Depression
    - Guilt and Disgust against something external or to themselves usually over minor moral issues.
  • What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD?
    - repetitive behaviours
    - reduces anxiety - 10% show compulsions alone, a vast majority use compulsive behavour to manage anxiety produced by obsessions.
    - Avoidance of anxiety triggers.
  • what are the cognitive characteristics of OCD?
    - obsessive thoughts - 90% experience. They recur over and over, differ between people and are always unpleasant.
    - Cognitive coping strategies to help manage anxiety. They seem abnormal and distract them from everyday tasks.
    - Insight - aware obsessions and compulsions are irrational. Though they often still experience catastrophic thoughts and tend to be hypervigilant.
  • What does hypervigilant mean?

    They maintain constant alertness and keep attention focused on potential hazards.
  • What time period does OCD occur in?
    OCD usually develops gradually, but sudden onset can occur.
  • Who can get OCD/who is more likely?
    OCD occurs in all social classes.
    Males are more commonly affected in childhood and females in adulthood.
    25% of cases start before age 14, with onset after the age of 35 being unusual.
    1-2% estimated to suffer from it at some point in their lives in Britain.