Abdominal Viscera blood supply, venous return

Cards (71)

  • Fundus
    can dilate by food, gas or fluid; lies posterior to left 6th rib
  • Pyloric region
    Funnel shaped outflow = antrum and narrow canal
    Pylorus - the gatekeeper
  • Cardial Orifice
    opening into the stomach;
    posterior to 6th left costal cartilage
  • Pylorus is made of?
    smooth muscle
  • gastric folds (rugal folds) 

    Folds of the mucosal layer that run longitudinally
  • Lesions of the mucosal layer?
    gastric ulcers
  • Lesiosn of the pyloric canal or duodenum?
    peptic ulcers
  • superior mesenteric artery
    blood supply to Jejunum, ileum, ascending & transverse colon
  • Anastomoses with right gastric a.
    Supplies esophagus and stomach?
    Left gastric artery
  • splenic artery
    Early branches supply stomach, later branches supply spleen
    Travels along superior border of pancreas
    Supplies pancreas, spleen and stomach
  • 4 structures that drain into the duodenum?
    stomach, gall bladder, liver, pancreas
  • Portal triad?
    proper hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, common hepatic artery
  • Gastric and Peptic Ulcers are caused by?
    Helicobacter pylori infections
  • Anterior (left) and posterior (right) vagal trunks are part of what nervous system?
    Parasympathetic, rest and digest
  • T5-T9 cord segments, Greater splanchnic nerve, & Celiac ganglia are part of what system?
  • Parasympathetic individual branches to?
    liver, gall bladder, and stomach
  • Posterior parasympathetic trunk sends a branch to?
    celiac plexus
  • Muscularis externa is made up of?
    longitudinal and circular layer of the duodenum
  • Most of the jejunum is located in the? (quadrants)
  • Most of ileum is located in?
  • Meckel’s Diverticulum
    Also known as ileal diverticulum, congenital anomaly
  • Structures that make up the large intestine?
    Ascending colon
    Transverse colon
    Descending colon
    Sigmoid colon
  • Longitudinal bands of smooth muscle that run the length of the large intestine?
    Teniae coli
  • Sacculations of the wall of the colon?
  • This artery is a branch of the abdominal aorta at L1, and has branches that form arterial arcades and vasa recta?
    Superior Mesenteric Artery
  • Branches that form loops are called?
    arterial arcades
  • Branches of the loops are called?
    vasa recta
  • Branches of superior mesenteric artery that go to the intestine?
    Middle colic artery
    Right colic artery
    Ileocolic artery
  • What are the inferior mesenteric artery branches that run to the instestine?
    Left colic artery, sigmoid arteries, superior rectal artery
  • Supplies the transverse colon?
    middle colic artery
  • Supplies the ascending colon and right colic flexure?
    Right colic artery
  • Supplies the cecum, ascending colon and appendix?
    Ileocolic artery
  • 2 arteries that supply the descending and sigmoid colon?
    Left colic artery, sigmoid arteries
  • starts in tail and unites with bile duct
    to form the hepatopancreatic ampulla (Ampulla of Vater)?
    main pancreatic duct
  • Anterior portion of pancreas is covered with?
  • The _ is attached to the descending and horizontal duodenum
    head of pancreas
  • Most blood supply to the pancreas comes from branches of the?
    splenic artery
  • Most frequently injured organ in abdomen?
  • Spleen (clinically)
    Not usually able to palpate unless enlarged
    Rupture results in internal bleeding and the spleen
    is usually removed
  • Organ that is well protected by ribs 9 & 11?