Clinical trials

Cards (43)

  • Define a clinical trial
    A research study that uses human subjects which are given different treatments to evaluate the effects.
  • What are the stages in a clinical trial
    Pre-clinical trial
    Phase I
    Phase II
    Phase III
    Phase IV
  • What is the pre-clinical trial phase
    This is conducted in vitro or vivo.
    It establishes the dose, pharmacodynamics and the long term side effects.
  • What is in vitro
    The use of cells
  • What is in vivo
    The use of animals
  • What is pharmacokinetics
    How the drug is metabolised
  • What is pharmacodynamics
    The effects of the drug
  • What is the first in man trial
    Phase I
  • What type of volunteers are used in Phase I
  • What is the role of Phase I
    To establish the maximum tolerable dose and the frequency of dosage.
  • What is MTD
    The maximum tolerable dose
  • Define a healthy volunteer
    These are people with no significant health condition and do not have the condition for the trial .
  • What is the main ehtical issue with Phase I
    It uses healthy volunteers that are payed for their service.
  • Give two Phase I trials that went wrong
    The autoimmune trial in 2006.
    The chronic pain trial in 2016.
  • What was the outcome of the autoimmune trial of 2006
    It lead to an establishment of sequential doses.
  • What was the issue in the chronic pain trial 2016
    The jump in doses was too high.
  • What phase is proof of concept
    Phase II
  • What patients are used in Phase II
    Those with the disease
  • How many patients are used in phase I
    100 - 200
  • How many patients in phase II
    200 - 500
  • What is Phase II
    It examines dosage, response rates and side effects in individuals with the disease.
  • What phase is the drug patente at
    Phase II
  • What is phase III
    Efficacy of treatment
  • Describe phase III
    It is a randomised controlled trial of the new drug against a current treatment or placebo.
  • What is collected in Phase III
    the response and side effects
  • What is the main ethical concern in clinical trials
    Underrepresentation of specific races throughout the different phases.
    Phase I is typically made up of ethnic minorities, and the latter phase is predominantly white people.
    Women tend to be underrepresented due to fears about fertility.
  • What is phase IV
    Post license testing.
  • Describe phase IV
    This monitors the safety and efficacy of the drug.
    And looks and long term use and side effects.
  • What system is used in Phase IV in the UK
    The yellow card system. This allows people to report side effects.
  • Give an example of post licensce promotion that was harmful
    Jonhson and Johnson promoted propulsid off-label for children even though they knew there were some safety concerns.
  • What is off label use of a drug
    This is the use of a drug for something it has not been approved for.
  • What are the UK laws related to medical research
    The Human Tissue Act of 2004 and the UK law of tort.
  • What is the UK law of tort
    It states that the intentional and direct use of force to a person without justification is a civil matter and not criminal.
    It allows for those who have been harmed to be compensated.
  • Describe the human tissue act
    It regualtes the removal, storage, use and disposal of human tissue and cells.
  • What is the Nuremberg code
    It states that voluntary consent is required for a human subject.
  • When was the nurembeer code
  • When was the declaration of helsinki 

  • Describe the decleration of helsinki
    Informed consent is required for all non-therapeutic research.
    Informed consent is only required for therapeutic research if consistent with the patients psychology.
  • What is the Belmont reprot
    It is common law in the US. And details that you should respect a person's consent without deception. And also outlines the principles of justice and beneficence.
  • What year was the belmont report