school resources - bioenergetics

Cards (38)

  • Plants make use of the Sun’s energy to make food (glucose)
    This process is called photosynthesis.
  • The plant manufactures glucose from
    carbon dioxide and water using energy
    transferred from the environment to the
    chloroplasts by light.
    This is an endothermic reaction because
    photosynthesis needs an input of energy
    from the environment.
  • carbon dioxide + water -- glucose + oxygen
  • Carbon dioxide is one of the reactants needed for plants to make
    glucose. The rate of photosynthesis will increase when a plant is
    given higher concentrations of carbon dioxide up to a point.
  • Another factor is now preventing
    the rate of photosynthesis from
    increasing. This is called a limiting
    Possible limiting factors could be
    light intensity, temperature or
    amount of chlorophyll.
  • Temperature affects the rate of all chemical reactions including
    photosynthesis. As the environment warms up, chemical reactions
    speed up. Photosynthesis is an enzyme controlled reaction. If the
    temperature increases too much, then the enzymes become
    denatured and the rate of reaction will decrease and stop.
    Temperature is a limiting factor of photosynthesis.
  • The amount of light a plant receives
    affects the rate of photosynthesis.
    Plants found in areas of lower light do
    not tend to grow as tall.
    Light intensity decreases as the
    distance between the plant and the
    light source increases.
  • The graph shows that as light
    intensity increases so does the rate
    of photosynthesis up to a point. At
    point X another factor is limiting
    the rate of photosynthesis. This
    could be carbon dioxide
    concentration, temperature or
    amount of chlorophyll.
    Light intensity is a limiting factor.
  • Investigating the effect of light intensity on
    photosynthesis in pondweed.
    Fill a boiling tube with 0.2% sodium
    hydrogen carbonate solution.
    Freshly cut a 10 cm piece of pondweed and
    place it in the boiling tube with the cut end at
    the top.
    Set up an LED lamp at a distance of 10 cm to
    the boiling tube and leave to settle for 5
    Start the stopwatch and count the number of
    bubbles released in one minute.
    Repeat twice and calculate the mean number
    of bubbles.
    6. Repeat steps 1-6, altering distance of the
    lamp so it is 30 cm, 40 cm and 50cm away
    from the boiling tube.
  • Why do we use sodium hydrogen
    carbonate solution?
    This provides excess dissolved carbon
    dioxide for the plant to use in
    photosynthesis so it is not a limiting
  • Why is an LED lamp used?
    LED lamps produce less heat and this
    reduces the effect of temperature on
    the experiment.
  • Light is a limiting factor when the light intensity is too
    low, but very high light intensities may slow the rate of
    photosynthesis too. This may be caused by:
    saturation of the active sites in the enzymes
    catalysing the reactions,
    b) bleaching of chlorophyll.
  • Light intensity obeys the
    inverse square law.
    This means if you
    double the distance
    between the plant and
    the light source you
    quarter the light
  • If sunlight shines onto water and carbon
    dioxide, a reaction will not occur.
    The energy must be transferred from the
    environment, to the chlorophyll, by light.
  • This energy is used to convert carbon
    dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.
    Chlorophyll is essential to the process of
  • If there is a reduction in the amount of
    chlorophyll available to the plant then the
    amount of glucose made by
    photosynthesis will reduce. The plant will
    not grow as well.
  • In laboratory investigations, plants experience variation in only one
    environmental factor.
    Normally in nature, more than one environmental factor will vary and
    the rate of photosynthesis is due to the interaction of these factors.
    Any one of the environmental factors may limit the rate of
  • In this experiment temperature is
    At low light intensity the photosynthetic
    reaction becomes limited at point X.
    If the light intensity is increased the
    reaction rate also increases.
    Light intensity is therefore the limiting
    factor at point X.
    A different factor is now limiting the rate
    of photosynthesis at Y.
    This could be environmental temperature
    or the amount of chlorophyll.
  • Farmers apply their
    understanding of limiting factors
    to improve crop yields.
    They can control conditions
    inside greenhouses more easily
    than in the fields.
    Heating can be used to provide
    optimum temperatures for
    maximum plant growth.
    Artificial lighting enhances the
    natural sunlight especially
    overnight and on cloudy days.
    Extra carbon dioxide gas can be
    pumped into the air inside the
  • In commercial greenhouses the
    environmental factors are often controlled
    by computerised systems to minimise cost.
    The farmer must balance the economics of
    additional costs of heating, lighting and
    computer systems to achieve maximum
    photosynthesis whilst still making a profit.
  • Uses of glucose made from photosynthesis
    To produce cellulose which strengthens plant cell walls.
    To be converted into amino acids for protein synthesis. Glucose is combined with nitrate ions absorbed from the soil. Specific amino acids join in long chains to make a named protein.
    To produce fat or oil for storage.
    Seeds and nuts contain lots of fat or oil as an energy store.
    To be converted into insoluble starch for storage inside cells or special areas like roots or bulbs.
  • Respiration is also sometimes called cellular respiration. This is
    because the reactions of respiration occur inside cells.
    Every living cell needs energy and this energy is released from food
    (glucose) by a series of chemical reactions called respiration.
  • Respiration is an
    exothermic reaction
    which means energy is
    transferred to the
    environment. Some of
    the energy is used
    inside cells and the rest
    will be transferred out
    of the cell.
  • The reactions of
    respiration occur
    24 hours a day,
    continuously, in
    all living cells.
  • Uses for energy
    • keeping warm - keep a steady body temperature in a cold environment
    • to enable muscles to contract in animals
    • for chemical reactions - to build larger molecules from smaller new ones
  • Respiration can transfer energy in cells anaerobically (without oxygen).
    During hard exercise, muscles cells are respiring so fast that the blood cannot
    transport enough oxygen to meet their needs.
    The muscle cells switch to use ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION to transfer energy.
    Glucose is not completely broken down to carbon dioxide and water, so less
    energy is transferred. An end product called lactic acid is formed. This builds
    up in the muscle cells.
  • aerobic respiration
    glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water
  • anaerobic respiration

    glucose ---> lactic acid
  • After exercise the lactic acid must be
    combined with oxygen to convert it to
    carbon dioxide. The amount of oxygen
    which must be taken in to convert all
    the lactic acid to carbon dioxide is
    called the oxygen debt.
  • Anaerobic respiration in yeast
    cells is called fermentation.
    This process is economically
    important in the manufacture of
    alcoholic drinks and bread.
  • Anaerobic respiration also occurs in plant and yeast cells.
    The end products are ethanol and carbon dioxide.
  • During exercise the human body reacts to the increased
    demand for energy. If insufficient oxygen is supplied to the
    muscle cells then anaerobic respiration occurs.
    • The heart rate increases to pump oxygenated blood faster through the muscle cells.
    • Breathing rate and breath volume increase. This increases the amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream.
  • response to exercise
    • Lactic acid builds up in the muscle cells during exercise.
    • Blood flows through the muscle cells and transports the lactic acid to the liver.
    • The liver oxidises the lactic acid and converts it back to glucose.
    Glucose is used in aerobic respiration or it is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver for later use.
  • Organisms use the energy
    transferred by respiration for the
    continual enzyme controlled
    processes of metabolism.
  • The conversion of glucose to
    starch is a metabolic reaction.
  • Glucose and nitrate ions
    from the soil form amino
    acids. Amino acids are
    used to synthesise
    proteins. These are
    metabolic reactions.
  • Metabolism = the sum of all reactions in
    a cell or body
  • Other examples of metabolic reactions that you need to
    know are:
    The conversion of glucose to cellulose in plants to
    strengthen cell walls;
    The conversion of glucose to glycogen in animal cells
    for storage;
    The formation of lipids from a molecule of glycerol and
    three molecules of fatty acids;
    The breakdown of proteins to form urea for excretion