Expert patient

Cards (13)

  • What are the two models of care
    Biomedical and biopsychosocial
  • Describe the biomedical model
    It is paternalistic.
    The pathology of the patient is focused on biology.
  • What is paternalism
    When the doctor makes decisions based on their knowledge.
  • Describe the biopsychosocial model
    It is centred on the patients disease and external factors.
    There is equal power between the doctor and the patient.
  • What are the benefits of the biopsychosocial model
    It allows the patient to develop knowledge about their condition.
    Allows them to make informed decisions
    Allows for tailored healthcare.
  • Describe the features of the expert patient
    It is based on a patient which has a much greater experience with a condition than a doctor.
    It allows for an approach which balances the treatment with the social aspects. This is useful in deciding between different courses of treatment.
  • What type of conditions can class as an expert patient
    Physical and mental. Although they are mainly chronic conditions.
  • What are the benefits of an expert patient
    They can educate other patients and advise on studies into the condition.
  • What is the living library model
    This is process of learning about a condition from someone who has lived through it.
  • When did the department of heaalth launch the expert patient in England
  • What does autonomy say about the expert patient
    It says it is ethical as it allows the patient to make an informed decision and respects their rights to make choices.
  • What is the other name for the biopshycalsocail model
    Patient centred
  • What is the other name for the biomedical model