Cards (5)

  • Measures taken against the Jews
    • Millions killed in extermination camps
    • Lost all citizenship
    • Emigration to remove Jews
  • When did it happen?
    • Mass killing began in 1939 with invasion of Poland
    • Systematic programme of elimination of all Jews, July - October 1941
  • How could it happen?
    • Hitler saw Jews as the reason why they lost WW1
    • Jews were perceived as having diseases
    • Hitler made people believe they will destroy German people
  • Why did German people allow it to happen?
    • Unable to prevent it, Nazi Germany was a terror state
    • Accepted it > influenced by propaganda
    • Unaware > didn't have enough evidence and Nazi used language of euphemism
  • Why did Nazis commit mass murder?
    • Hitler: doubts about his own ancestry and diseased aspects of his own personality
    • Heavily influenced by Hitler's arguments, people didn't want to disobey in fear of punishment