X may be able to rely on the defence of self-defence. This defence can allow acquittal of the offence.
Bayer provides that a criminal action needs to be committed by another for the D to argue self-defence.
Self-defence(including defence of another) and defence of property is defined by Common Law as amended by the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
Section 3(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1967 governs self-defence in the prevention of crime or effecting or assisting in a lawful arrest.
2 part test:
The action or force must be necessary. The cases Bird and Beckford tells us that the D does not even have to wait for an attack to start but can get in the first blow if the D believes there will be an 'imminent attack'
The court held in Williams, Beckford and Section 76(4) of the CRIMINAL justice and Immigration Act 2008 also provides that if a genuine mistake is made.
Section 76(5) of the Criminal Justice and immigration Act 2008 makes clear that a D cannot rely on mistaken belief if the mistake is due to the D being voluntarily intoxicated