Group 1 (alkali metals)

Cards (13)

  • What does it mean if an element has one electron on its outer shell?

    It means it is in group 1.
  • What are group 1 elements known as?
    Alkali metals.
  • What are the physical properties of alkali metals?
    -low melting and boiling points.
    -very soft (can be cut with a knife).
    -form ionic compounds.
  • What happens to the reactivity of alkali metals as you go down the group?
    They increase in reactivity.
  • Why are group 1 metals called alkali metals?

    Because they form alkaline solutions when they react with water.
  • What are the elements of group 1?
    Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium.
  • What happens when lithium reacts with water?
    It reacts and forms alkaline solution + hydrogen gas is produced and the metal fizzes on the surface of the water.
  • What happens when sodium reacts with water?
    It reacts strongly as alkaline solution + hydrogen gas is produced and the heat causes sodium to form a ball of molten metal.
  • What happens when potassium reacts with water?
    reacts vigorously and forms an alkaline solution + hydrogen gas. The heat causes hydrogen formed to burst into flames.
  • Write a balanced ionic equation for lithium with water.
    Lithium + Water ----> Lithium hydroxide + Hydrogen
    2Li 2H2O 2LiOH H2
  • Write a balanced ionic equation for sodium with water.
    Sodium + Water ----> Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen
    2Na 2H2O 2NaOH H2
  • Write a balanced ionic equation for potassium with water.
    Potassium + Water ----> Potassium hydroxide + Hydrogen
    2K H2O 2KOH H2
  • How does the electronic configuration of alkali metals link to their reactivity?
    The further down the column you go the more reactive they are because the outermost shell is furthest from the nucleus.