Correlation and regression

Cards (31)

  • Define correlation
    This is used when there is a strong relationship between two variables
  • Types of correlation
    Linear and curvilinear
  • What is the correlation coefficient
    The strength of correlation
  • What is p (rho)
    Population coefficient
  • Waht is r (rho)
    Sample coefficient
  • What is rho
    Pearsons correlation coefficient
  • What values does rho take
    -1 to 1
  • Waht does rho = + or - 1 mean
    Perfect correlation
  • What does rho = 0 mean
    No correlation
  • Equation for rho
    The sum of (X - X bar) * (Y - Y bar) / The square root of the sum of (X - X bar) squared * (Y - Y bar) squared.
  • What are the limitations of correlation
    It does not tell you about the cause of the correlation or the significance.
    Correlation is used for linear relationships.
  • Define a model
    It is a simplification of reality.
    It focuses on the important details and removes the complexity of systems.
  • Give an example of an exploraty data analysis technique
    Empirical modelling
  • Waht is empirical modelling
    Describing what the data looks like
  • What are the explanatory variables
    These are those that you measure. Also called independent variables.
  • What axis are explanatory variables on
    The X
  • What axis are response variables on
  • What is a bivariate regression
    This is a linear relationship with two variables
  • What is a response variable
    The change caused by the change of the explanatory variable. Also known as the dependent variable.
  • What is the ordinary least squares model
    This is a line of best fit that minimises the deviations from the mean.
  • Equation for the ordinary least sqaures model 

    Y = alpha + Beta * X.
    Where Y is the response variable.
    Alpha is the population Y intercept.
    Beta is the population slope coefficient.
    X is the explanatory variable.
  • What is the ordinary least sqaures equation meaing
    This is the linear regression equation
  • Where are alpha and Beta derived from in the linear regression equation
    The population
  • What do the accents on alpha and beta in the lienar equation mean
    They are estimates calculated from the equation or graph
  • Why would a linear regression equation predict a negative value for a discrete variable
    This is due to extrapolation
  • What is regression analysis
    It quantifies the relationship between the response and explanatory variables
  • What is caluclated from linear regression
    R squared, which is a goodness of fit measure.
  • Eqaurion for R squared
    Average variance using model / Total variance in sample or population
  • What does R sqaured = 1 mean
    The model is perfect and explains all the variability in the population or sample.
  • What is R sqaured = 0
    The model does not explain the variability within the sample or population
  • What is multivariate data
    This has multiple variables