Symptoms and Pathology

Cards (4)

  • Symptoms and Pathology

    1. Recurrent fever, chills, and sweating (synchronized rupture of red cells) known as paroxysms.
    • Every 36 hours Malignant Tertian Malaria: Plasmodium falciparum
    • Every 48 hours Benign Tertian Malaria: Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium vivax
    • Every 72 hours Quartan Malaria: Plasmodium malariae
  • Symptoms and Pathology
    2. Anemia (red cell destruction), Large spleen and joint pain.
  • Symptoms and Pathology
    3. P. falciparum infection is most likely fatal
    Cerebral Malaria: red cells, organisms, and pigment block brain vessels Blackwater Fever: sudden massive intravascular hemolysis resulting hemoglobinuria.
  • Plasmodium spp. (Malaria)
    A) Liver Cell
    B) Schizont
    C) Gametocyte
    D) Macrogametocytes
    E) Microgamete
    F) Macrogamete
    G) Ookinete
    H) Oocyst
    I) Sporozoites