Cards (5)

  • Trial by Cold Water
    The accused would be thrown into a pond. Water represented purity. If they sunk, they were innocent, if the water rejected them (if they floated) they were guilty.
  • Trial by Fire
    The accused would be burned with a hot iron or forced to walk over hot stones. If their woulds healed within three days they were innocents. If not, they were guilty.
  • Trial by Sacrament (Blessed Bread)

    Used for clergy only. The accused would pray aloud that they would choke if they were guilty. If they ate the bread and survived they were innocent.
  • Trial by Hot Water
    The accused would retrieve an object from a pot of boiling water. If their wounds healed within three days, they were innocent. If not, they were guilty.
  • Trial by Combat (Judicial Duel)
    Introduced by the Normans. Women, the young, the old, the sick, and the crippled would use a "champion." Professional champions fought for money. No matter how mismatched the fighters, innocence was proven by winning.