In what year did Parliament pass the Witchcraft Act and what was the punishment?
Parliament passed the Witchcraft Act in 1542. Witchcraft became a crime and was punishable by death.
What events were blamed on witches?
The events that were blamed on witches were: (1) The death of a child, (2) bad harvests, (3) the death of cattle, (4) and curdledmilk.
How did people identify a witch?
People identified a witch by these characteristics: The witch mark (a mole or wart), often an elderlywoman, had an animalcompanion called a familiar, and unintelligible muttering.
How did people prove someone was a witch?
People proved an individual was a witch through: Ducking (similar to trial by cold water), examination of WitchMarks (if poking with a needle doesn't cause pain, they're a witch), or confession through torture.