Consider ALL complications related to immobility
Maintain airway patency
Elevate head of bed to 30 deg. to prevent aspiration
Position patient to lateral or semi-prone position to promote drainage of secretions and to prevent the tongue from falling backward, obstructing airway
Suction and practice oral hygiene
Perform chest physiotherapy and postural drainage
Provide oral care
Perform oral care carefully, preferably every 8hrs
If with ETT, shift the tube to the opposite side of the mouth once daily
Prepare and follow turning schedules
Reduce shearing forces when turning the patient
Perform passive ROM exercise
Position the body correctly
Clean eyes with CB with sterile saline solution
Instill artificial tears every 2hrs
Control body temp by practicing fever reducing strategies to reduce metabolic demands of the body
Perform urinary catheterization
If conscious, initiate bladder training
Provide stool softeners as prescribed to prevent inc. ICP
Administer enema as ordered
Assist in achieving family needs
Monitor for possible complications