1. Prophase 1 - chromosomes condense are each composed of 2 chromatids joined at the centromere. Crossing over at prophase
2. Metaphase 1 - chromosome pairs line up along the equator, chromatids become apparent, and the nuclear membrane breaks down
3. Anaphase 1 - the spindle pulls one of each chromosome pair to opposite poles of the cell and the cell membrane begins to pinch
4. Telophase 1 and cytokinesis - cytoplasm divides and nuclear membrane reforms. Results in 2 diploid daughter cells
5. Prophase 2 - nuclear membrane breaks down; meiotic spindle is recreated
6. Metaphase 2 - chromosomes line up single file along the equator
7. Anaphase 2 - centromeres split separating the 2 chromatids and the now single- strand chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell
8. Telophase 2 and cytokinesis - cytoplasm divides, nuclear membrane reforms and 4 haploid daughter cells are created