Designed to concentrate blood specimens suspected of containing low numbers of microfilariae.
Knott's Concentration Method
1 ml venous blood + 2ml10% formalin in a centrifuge = mixed then spin for 1 minute at 500 x g
Knott's Concentration Method
Supernatant is discarded and sediment is smeared and stained with Giemsa.
Membrane Filtration Method
1 ml of fresh/ anticoagulated blood is drawn up into a syringe and lysed by adding 10ml of distilled water. It is then passed through the Swinney filter.
Membrane Filtration Method
The filter is removed, placed on a slide, stained with dilute Giemsa stain, and examined under LPO for microfilariae.
Membrane Filtration Method
Millipore and nucleopore membrane filters are available in this purpose. The latter being more sensitive as it can screen larger volumes of blood.
Membrane Filtration Method
The most sensitive method of detecting microfilariae.