
Cards (26)

  • Weather characteristics
    • Windier
    • Wetter
    • Darker
    • Colder
    • Calmer
    • Drier
    • Brighter
    • Hotter
  • We only have data for May to October. We have data from 1987 and 2015, so can compare the same month in two different years.
  • Locations (alphabetical order except H and H switch)
    • Camborne (coastal – windier)
    • Hurn
    • Heathrow
    • Leeming
    • Leuchars (coastal – windier)
  • If the temperature increases
    • The amount of sunshine increases
    • The amount of rainfall increases
    • The windspeed increases
  • As we move further north, during May to October
    • The temperature decreases
    • The amount of rainfall increases
    • The maximum hours of sunshine decreases
  • Measurement
    • Daily mean temperature
    • Daily total rainfall
    • Daily total sunshine
    • Cloud cover
    • Humidity
    • Daily mean visibility
    • Daily mean pressure
  • Daily mean temperature
    How hot it is/ measured in degrees / ranges between 5 - 24 degrees
  • Daily total rainfall
    How much it rained: measured in mm / ranges between 0 - 20mm / not symmetrical many 0 and tr values
  • Daily total sunshine
    How many hours of sunshine / measures in hours / ranges between 0 - 14 hrs / more sun in the summer
  • Cloud cover
    How much of the sky is covered in clouds/ measured in oktas / ranges from 0 to 8 / measured in integers measures what fraction of the sky is covered.
  • Humidity
    How much water vapour is in the air / above 95% is associated with fog / measured in % / between 70 - 100 %
  • Daily mean visibility
    How far you can see / measured in Dm ( 1Dm=10m )/ ranges between 200 - 4000 Dm / round to the nearest 100
  • Daily mean pressure
    How much the atmosphere is pushing down / Measured in hPa / ranges between 990 to 1040 hPa / intergers
  • 'tr' means there was a trace of water in the measuring instrument – it is used for values of rainfall, 0 < 𝑟 ≤ 0.05
  • We can 'clean' data, which means replacing 'tr' with either 0 mm or 0.025 mm.
  • If we have n/a in any of our data, we cannot use it. Cleaning it means to remove that entry.
  • Wind measurements
    • Daily mean windspeed
    • Windspeed, Beaufort conversion
    • Daily maximum gust
    • Wind/gust direction (bearings)
    • Wind/gust direction (cardinal)
  • Daily mean windspeed
    How windy it is / measured in kn (knots) / ranges between 3 - 10 kn / integers only
  • Windspeed, Beaufort conversion
    Qualitative (Light to Moderate) / Most days are light
  • Daily maximum gust
    The strongest gust of wind that day / measured in kn / ranges between 8 - 50 kn
  • Wind/gust direction (bearings)
    Which direction the wind is blowing from / measured in degrees / ranges between 10 - 360 degrees / multiples of 10 only
  • Wind/gust direction (cardinal)
    Which direction the wind is blowing from (compass direction)
  • Jacksonville, Florida, USA has hot summers and hurricanes in October (but mean windspeed still relatively low in our data)
  • Perth, Australia has flipped seasons
  • Beijing, China has hotter, wetter summers and colder winters
  • International Measurements
    • Daily mean temperature
    • Daily total rainfall
    • Daily mean pressure
    • Daily mean windspeed
    • Windspeed, Beaufort conversion