
Cards (15)

  • Star life cycle - stars same size as the sun
    cloud of dust (nebula) - gas and dust pulled together by gravity
    nuclear fusion begins, when forces are balanced star is stable. expands, cools and becomes red giant
    Red giant - shrinks temperature rises glows much brighter. Becomes white dwarf.
  • White Dwarfs - very hot but small. Eventually it will stop shining and become black dwarf
  • Star life cycle - bigger than the sun
    Cloud and dust, pulled together by gravity causing temp to increase. protostar.
    Hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei
    star becomes main sequence hydrogen begins to run out
    helium nuclei fuse to make a heavier elements
    up to iron. Star expands and becomes red super giant and explodes (supernova). creating elements heavier than iron and distributing them throughout the universe
    leaving neutron star or black hole
  • Terminal velocity
    as the velocity increases air resistance increases. Until air resistance becomes equal to the weight of ... so the resultant force its zero.
  • cons of momentum
    momentum before = momentum after
    before momentum of skateboard is zero
    after jumping skateboarder has momentum forwards so skateboard has equal momentum backwards
  • Cons of momentum - stationary object
    momentum is conserved in the collision
    momentum before = momentum after
    momentum of pin increases
    therefore the momentum of the ball must decrease
  • Stopping Distance - why will distraction increase stopping distance
    stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance
    additional time for the driver to apply brakes, (reaction time increases)
    so thinking distance increases
  • Refraction - explain
    different parts of the wavefront enter the glass at different times
    speed is less in glass
  • Describe difference between longitudinal and transverse waves
    oscillation for transverse is perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer and longitudinal waves are parallel to the direction of energy transfer.
  • Explain how electrical signals in the transmitter product a signal in the receiver
    electric current
    radio waves are absorbed by receiver inducing electrical current
    at the same frequency
  • Electromagnet
    there is a current in the solenoid
    creating a magnetic field
    attracting the bolt
  • explain why the coil rotates when there is a current in the coil - motor effect
    there is a magnetic field
    current in a wire causes a magnetic field
    current is in opposite directions in each side of coil
    split ring the force on the left/right side is always in the same direction
  • Explain how a moving-coil loudspeaker produced a sound wave
    creates a magnetic field
    which interacts with the permanent magnet field
    producing a force causing the coil to move
    direction of the current reverses the direction of the force reverses
    cone vibrates - air particles vibrating
  • Generator effect 

    the coil moves through the magnetic field
    a pd is induced
    there is a complete circuit so a current is induced
    direction of the current reverses every half turn
  • Microphones
    sound waves cause the diaphragm to vibrate
    the diagram causes the could to vibrate
    the could noves through the magnetic field
    a pd is induced