Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Cards (8)

  • The graphics processing unit (GPU) is responsible for processing graphics within the computer to reduce the load on the CPU
  • The GPU can be used as an additional computing resource, allowing it to perform tasks such as machine learning or video encoding.
  • CPUs are general purpose processors whereas GPUs are designed specifically for graphics
  • GPUs are likely to have built in circuitry or instructions for common graphics operations
  • GPUs can perform an instruction on multiple pieces of data at one time
  • The ability of GPUs to perform an instruction on multiple pieces of data at once is useful when processing graphics (e.g. transforming points in a polygon or shading pixels) which means it can perform transformations to on screen graphics quicker than a CPU
  • The GPU can either be part of the graphics card or embedded in the CPU
  • GPUs can be used for:
    • graphics processing
    • 3D modelling
    • financial modelling
    • Data mining
    • Machine learning
    • Complex calculations
    • Calculations on multiple data sets at the same time