anarchical society

Cards (6)

  • signficant of the state: anarchical society
    -Theorists of anarchical society believe the international system is primarily composed of sovereign states conscious of one another’s actions. The mutual recognition of state sovereignty is therefore a core component of international society theory.
  • signficance of the state: liberals and realists
    • Classical realists believe that sovereign states are the only legitimate actors in the international system.
  • behaviour of states: anarchical society

    • Theorists of anarchical society believe that great powers have a responsibility to ensure order in the international system.
  • Behaviour of states: liberals and realists
    • Classical realists believe that great powers will maximise power and security, leading to order only if it better serves their interest
  • interaction with other states: anarchical state
    international society theorists believe that states are aware of their common interests and values, even if these are limited to the operation of certain international norms designed to secure orderly coexistence – “a minimal desire for order” (Bull).
    States invest considerable resources in diplomatic links with one another. The US and China each operate more than 270 diplomatic missions around the world.  
  • interactions with other states: liberals
    • However Liberals also believe in states’ ability to cooperate to secure positive outcomes (C1 link to Locke and human’s capacity for reason).
    • Liberals are typically more invested in notions of complex
    • Interdependence than theorists of anarchical society; including seeing diplomatic and economic cooperation as effective means of avoiding conflict.
    • Someliberals prefer the term “World society” to recognise the importance of nonstate actors in the international system.