TreatyofParis - Under this treaty, the United States bought the Philippines from Spain for 20 million USD.
President Manuel Roxas - During his term, the independence of the Philippines was finally granted on June04, 1946.
JonesAct1916 statute announcing the intention of the United States government to “withdraw their sovereignty over the Philippine Islands as soon as a stable government can be established therein.”
Jones Act 1916 was superseded by the Tydings–McDuffieActof1934.
Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon or HukBaLaHap was established as a guerilla movement during the second world war.
LuisTaruc - a Philippine leader of the communist Hukbalahap movement, which was persecuted as a result of their exile by the Americans, instead of recognizing their resistance against the Japanese colonization.
President Sergio Osmena - Granted amnesty to the HukBaLaHap.
PartidoKomunista sa Pilipinas - disbanded the HukBaLaHap
When was the presidential election where Osmena lost to Roxas?
Why were six of the members of HukBaLaHap, including Taruc who were supposed to to have a position in the congress not allowed to earn their seats when Osmena lost the presidential election?
Alleged Cheating
ParityRightsAmendment by Roxas of the 1935 constitution and BellTrade Act - give fair and just rights to the Filipinos and Americans to utilize the natural resources of the Philippines, and that the Americans can import without tariff.
President Elpidio Quirino - The Huk Rebellion rose against the government which lasted until his era.
When did Luis Taruc Surrendered?
May 17, 1954
When was the Mutual Defense Treaty signed?
August 30, 1951
Mutual Defense Treaty - This was one of the documents that legitimized the presence of US forces in in the country.
When was The Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty signed?
September 08, 1954
What was the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty also known as?
Manila Pact
This was headed by the US as an extension to the Cold War in the Southeast Asia.