globalisation bad for environment

Cards (6)

  • Theme 1: For - global trade
    • increase consumption leading to harm
    • exports increased 30%, cost decreased 60% since 1930s. easier and cheaper to travel
    • food leads to carbon emissions
    • 22% CO2 emissions, goods production, and consumed in another country
    • air pollution in beijing is so impenetrable, US embassy says it above index
    • china temp increases 0.24 / decade
  • Theme 1: Against
    • could argue there's measures to prevent damage
    • paris agreement, aims strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change - well below 2 degrees
    • strengthen states to deal with climate change
    • negotiation process including china, binding on all signatories, could reduce the permanent damage
    • green climate fund - 100 billion
    • however no collective system to enforce targets
  • Theme 2: For - global corporations
    • companies cut corners which result in damage to environment
    • corruption in companies - glencore exported 29 billion USD copper
    • exploiting all natural resources
    • civil society orgs have criticised glencore due to harmful impact on local community, dust levels of kolwezi is as high as 500 - WHO says it should be 50
    • NGO reported farmers were inadequately compensated
  • Theme 2: Against
    • greener future through corporations
    • blackrock - "become an integral part of the investing thesis" and "threaten to pull his investments" from other world CEO's
    • led to climate innovation fund
    • pledge to invest a billion over 4 years to combat climate change
    • green capitalism
    • microsoft is carbon neutral and plan to be carbon negative
  • Theme 3: For - global shipping
    • severe damages to oceans
    • industrial waste that is generated as a result of production 0 180 million tons of toxic waste
    • oil contains are another severely damaging factor - 2024 gulf stream oil spice 4100 tonnes
    • 3.19 million barrels spilled in the golf , 8200 birds (102 species) affected
  • Theme 3: Against
    • implemented laws
    • stockholm conference - 'must be halted in order to ensure that irreversible damage is not inflicted upon ecosystems
    • conference reduced the impact, attendees abide by new laws created
    • london convention - ratified better protection of marine environment
    • BP paid 5 billion compensation for oil - encourage corporations to invest in environment