Word Bank

Cards (116)

  • Abase - to humiliate, degrade (After being overthrown and abased, the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror.)
  • Abhor - to hate, detest (Everyday really feels repetitive and bland, I'm starting to abhor this lifestyle because it doesn't have any color to it.)
  • Inimical - hostile, enemylike (Minecraft is the best sandbox game due to its inimical mobs and unique combat system.)
  • Palette - a range of colors or qualities (The palette of colors utilized in the painting was equaled only by the range of intense emotions the piece evoked.)
  • Presumptuous - disrespectfully bold (The principle held a presumptuous student's diploma because he did not respect the ceremonial right by shouting inappropriate words to the school.)
  • Deft - skillful and capable (Having worked in a bakery for many years, Marcus was a deft bread maker)
  • Coagulate - to thicken out, clot (The top layer of the pudding had coagulated into a thick skin)
  • Injunction - an order of official warning (After his house was toilet papered for the fifth time, the mayor issued an injunction against everyone younger than 21 buying toilet paper.)
  • Odious - instilling hatred or intense displeasure (Mark was assigned the odious task of cleaning the cat's litter box)
  • Ambivalent - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone (Jake felt ambivalent towards his new girlfriend as he couldn't decide whether he liked her or not)
  • Sanguine - calmly confident about future successes (Despite being told she would never be able to run a marathon, Sarah remained sanguine throughout her training process)
  • Exult - to rejoice (When she found out she won the literature prize, Mary exulted by dancing and singing through the school's halls.)
  • Pedantic - excessively concerned with minor details; overly formal (Mr. Johnson is so pedantic that he corrects people on their grammar even when they are speaking informally)
  • Sacrosanct - holy, something that should not be criticized (In the United States, the Constitution is often thought of as sacrosanct document.)
  • licentious - displaying a lack or moral or legal restraints (Marilee has always been fascinated by the licentious private lives of politicians.)
  • Iniquity - wickedness or sin (I forgive you as a person, but your iniquity shall not be forgotten.)
  • enervate - to weaken, exhaust (Writing these sentences enervates me so much that I will have to take a nap after I finish.)
  • modicum - a small amount of something (Why won't you show even a modicum of respect when someone is talking?)
  • disseminate - to spread widely (The politician disseminated his ideas across the town before the election.)
  • iconoclast - one who attacks common beliefs or institutions (Jane goes to one protest after another, but she seems to be an iconoclast rather than an activist with a progressive agenda.)
  • impregnable - resistant to capture or penetration (Though the invaders used battering rams, the fortress proves impregnable and resisted all attacks.)
  • derelict - abandoned, run-down (Even though it was dangerous, the children enjoyed going to the deserted lot and playing in the derelict house.)
  • disaffected - rebellious, resentful of authority (Dismayed by Bobby's poor behavior, the parents sent their disaffected son to a military academy to be disciplined.)
  • discomfit - o thwart, baffle (The normally cheery and playful children's sudden misery discomfited the teacher.)
  • cacophony - tremendous noise, disharmonious sound (Ella didn't sleep throughout the night because of the cacophony she kept hearing at her neighbor.)
  • cupidity - greed, strong desire (His cupidity made him enter the abandoned gold mine despite the obvious dangers.)
  • docile - easily taught or trained (She successfully taught the docile puppy several tricks.)
  • expunge - to obliterate, eradicate (The king told the enemy's messenger that he will expunge their kingdom if didn't surrender.)
  • indigent - very poor, impoverished (I would rather donate money to help the indigent population than to the park sculpture fund.)
  • jubilant - extremely joyful, happy (The crowd was jubilant when the firefighter carried the woman from the flaming building.)
  • knell - the solemn sound of a bell, often signifying death (As he laid on his death bed, John heard a knell as the grim reaper comes to take his life.)
  • languid - sluggish from fatigue or weakness (In the summer months, the great heat makes people languid and lazy.)
  • medley - a mixture of different things (Susannah's wardrobe contained an astonishing medley of colors, from olive green to fluorescent pink.)
  • ostensible - appearing as such, seemingly (Jack's ostensible reason for driving was that airfare was too expensive, but in reality, he was afraid of flying.)
  • Ornate - highly elaborate, excessively decorated (The ornate styling of the new model of luxury car could not compensate for the poor quality of its motor.)
  • palliate - to reduce the severity of (The doctor trusted that the new medication would palliate her patient's discomfit.)
  • paragon - a model of excellence or perfection (The mythical Helen of Troy was considered a paragon of female beauty.)
  • phlegmatic - uninterested, unresponsive (Monique feared her dog was ill after the animal's phlegmatic response to his favorite chew toy.)
  • platitude - an uninspired remark, cliche (After reading over her paper, Helene concluded that what she thought were profound insights were actually just platitudes.)
  • potable - suitable for drinking (During sea voyages it is essential that ships carry a supply of potable water because salty ocean makes anyone who drinks it sick.)