china and india have achieved rapid economic growth in the past several years or decades
in 1990, 43% of the population of developing countries lived in extreme poverty the absolute number was 1.9 billion, by 2000 proportion wa s down to a third and by 2010 21%
about 9.2% today of the world live in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 a day
global poverty rate cut in half in 20 years
companies can offer goods at lower prices to consumers
Theme 1: For
people living in communities that had been dependent on jobs outsourced elsewhere often suffer
working conditions of people in the supply chain are deplorable
garment industry in bangladesh - employs an estimated four million people but average worker earns less in a month than US worker earns in a day
2013 - textile factory building collapsed killing more than 1,100 workers
globalisation may contribute to income disparity and inequality between more and less educated
since 1922 income inequality has deepened in india
Theme 2: For - cultural globalisation
people anywhere in the world participate in the same homogenised global culture
global domination of American countries - mcdonalds operating in 188 countries
Americanisation is the globalisation of languages with english now being seen as the language of the world
around the word netflix has 222 million subscribers
with these cultural assets comes 'westernised' ideals of democracy, freedom and individualism makes people more susceptible to liberal views
Theme 2: Against
in the united states, economic globalisation and the dislocation it has caused has led to a strong strain of white cultural assertion - resisting foreign cultures
in europe there is a reassertion of monocultural values, hungary and poland for example
rise to islamic political expression due to muslims encountering worldwide challenges in their social, cultural, political, economic and even family systems - vocally endorse certain necessary values in each of these systems for well being of its followers
rise of chinese/russian power, e.g of backlash to cultural globalisation
Theme 3: Against - political globalisation
amount of political co-operation that exists between different countries
world food programme assists 80 million people in around 80 countries each year - leading humanitarian organisation saving lives
political agreements between nations lead to relaxing of the movement of labor across boundaries
example: freedom of movement of people around 27 european union states
key goal of political globalisation is to create better traderoutes around the world
declining role of nation states, ceded some power and responsibility to international bodies
Theme 3: For
britain chose to leave eu because they were unhappy that they were tied to european rules around
while within trade block - uk had to stick to requirements that they felt restricted their fishing industry
the us trade war with china has ignored the WTO
great powers are not going to be hemmed in by political global governance organisations, russia invaded ukraine, america iraq, china represses the uyghurs