Entamoeba histolytica

Cards (9)

    • Infective stage: Mature quadrinucleate cyst
    • Diagnostic stage: Trophozoite, cyst
    • Mode of transmission: Ingestion of food and water contaminated with the cysts
    • Disease: Intestinal amebiasis, amebic colitis, amebic dysentery, extraintestinal amebiasis
    Flask-shaped ulcer
    • Most common extraintestinal complication of amebiasis: hepatic involvement (Thick chocolate brown pus/ anchovy sauce pus)
    CNS involvement: Secondary Amebic Meningoencephalitis
    • Diagnosis: Wet preparation, permanent stained smear, culture (TYI-S-33), Serological tests
    = LIFE CYCLE of E. histolytica
    A) Cyst and Trophozoite
    B) Mature Cyst
    C) Excystation
    D) Trophozoites
  • Entamoeba histolytica cyst
    + Spherical to round
    + Coffin-shaped chromatoid bars
    + Central karyosome
    + Fine and evenly distributed chromatin
    + May contain one to four nuclei.
  • Entamoeba histolytica Cyst
    A) Cytoplasm
    B) Central Karyosome
    C) Cyst Wall
    D) Chromatoid Bar
    E) Even Peripheral Chromatin
  • Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
    + Rapid, unidirectional, progressive movement
    + Single nucleus with small central karyosome
    + Presence of ingested RBCs in the cytoplasm is considered diagnostic of Entamoeba histolytica
  • Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
    A) Cytoplasm
    B) Ingested RBC
    C) Central Karyosome
    D) Even Peripheral Chromatin
    E) Pseudopod