Social class-internal

Cards (6)

  • Labelling -
    • teachers pass judgment on their students based on pre existing stereotypes of what is the ideal pupil
    • during Beckers study of 60 Chicago school teachers he found that the teachers stereotype the pupils based off their work ,conduct and appearance
    • teachers saw the working class pupil as the furthest away from the ideal pupil
  • labelling-
    • Keddies study found that teachers do not distribute knowledge evenly around the classroom
    • they are more likely to give high ability students high status knowledge and low ability students low status knowledge
    • low ability groups were mainly working class ,basic and dumbed down
    • high ability groups were majority middle class ,detailed and full curriculum
  • labelling -
    • gillborn and youdell found that teachers are more likely to see middle class students as having the ability to enter higher level exams this is based of the teachers perceptions
    • this results in discrimination against working class students who are denied the opportunity to attempt to gain higher grades
    • labels can be rejected
    • labelling theory is deterministic in suggesting that failure is inevitable fo those with negative labels attached to them
  • language codes -
    • Bernstein argued that the working class have limited vocabulary and the middle class have a wider one with longer grammatical sentences which offers them an advantage in school
    • the language used in working class homes is inefficient with families communicating with gesture or single words this is known as the restricted speech code
    • the middle class speak in elaborated code this consists of a wider range of vocabulary and more complex sentences
    • he argues that the middle class are at an advantage as the elaborated code is the one used by teachers ,textbooks and exams
  • subcultures-
    • Lacey -pro school subcultures are :high streamed, middle class, high status ,committed to schools values, keen to learn
    • anti school subcultures :low streams ,working class ,failure in tests and exams ,lo self esteem ,form the anti school subcultures to gain status
    • the division between pro and anti school subcultures is to simplistic as there are a variety of possible pupil responses to the culture of the school
  • Pupil identities -
    • archer -found that working class pupils feel that to be educationally successful they would have to change the way they talked and presented themselves
    • they felt unable to access middle class spaces such as university
    • archer argues that the schools middle class habits stigmatises working class pupil identities