life is sacred as it was created in god's image. only god can give and take it
god created life and it is a gift to humans. so people should not destroy what is sacred
why may someone have a reduced quality of life?
mental health issues, physical health issues or poverty
non christians generally do not believe in an afterlife. christians believe in heaven and hell, some in purgatory also
abortion is deliberately ending a pregnancy in a way where the foetus dies
abortion can be considered as murder which is forbidden in the ten commandments
Jesus taught that the most important thing to do was love. it may be loving to have a abortion in some circumstances when in others it wouldn't be
why may someone have an abortion?
financial issues, mother/baby's life at risk, pregnancy has come about by assault or the child may have a poor quality of life
euthanasia is often known as mercy killing. it is generally killing someone or helping them to die because they have a reduced quality of life
some believe that people deserve the right to die if their quality of life is low, it may be more compassionate to let them die rather than to make them continue to suffer
active euthanasia is doing something to kill someone
passive euthanasia is stopping trying to keep someone alive
voluntary euthanasia is when someone wants to die (assisted)
some people disagree with euthanasia as a person may recover form whatever makes them want to go through with it. AND, life is sacred, murder is forbidden in the ten commandments
many christians believe we were given dominion over the earth, we own it
many christians believe that god charged them with stewardship, looking after the world and managing the environment
religious people may feel awe and wonder when looking at the world, as it is God's creation
believers and nob-believers think that the environment needs to be protected, whether people dos o impacts the world inherited by future generations
Genesis says that god creates the world, including its inhabitants in 6 days and rests for the 7th
Christians who interpret the bible, will disagree with scientific accounts. those who interpret the bible metaphorically may believe scientific accounts
he bible states that eating animals is okay, BUT, killing goes against the christian belief of non - violence
animal testing may be acceptable in some circumstances, the animals may be well looked after and not used for cosmetic testing
experiments which improve humans lives are compassionate, so animal testing is acceptable if it helps us
humans have abused the natural environment through using natural resources.
many people may feel it is okay to use natural resources because they are available. they are given by God to be used