D - religion, peace and conflict

Cards (18)

  • weapons of mass destruction have the power to kill and harm many people.
  • some believe it is safer to have weapons of mass destruction as deterrence, to keep the world safe
  • Buddhism and christianity both prohibit killing
  • Christian aid helps victims of war by providing food, education, water, clothing and shelter
  • christians may: pray for, provide support for, donate or give money to charity to help victims of war
  • Jesus taught that we should help others , those who help others go to heaven when we are judged at the end of time
  • why may religious people fight or have wars?
    to establish a government of their own religion, to regain land that is theirs or differences in beliefs/practices
  • Jesus taught that we should love our enemies. But, in christianity it is just to punish criminals violently, and those who sin against God
  • what is reconcilliation?

    being reunited in a positive sense with someone one was separated from
  • non-religious people may feel that violence can be justified or that it must be avoided
  • what is a holy war?
    a war that is fought in the name of religion, hoping to gain something for a religion
  • the just war theory is the belief that war is acceptable within very specific circumstances
  • what are the conditions of the just war theory?
    fight must be proportional and only against those involved (no civilians)
    must be fought for good, right reasons
    each side must have a fair chance of winning
  • what are the reasons for war?
    greed, self-defence or retaliation
  • what is pacifism?

    the belief that violence and war is wrong. May also believe that violence is ineffective
  • some christians believe that Jesus taught peace and forgiveness, and opposed violence, even in self-defence
  • nuclear weapons can kill many people, they will almost certainly harm innocent people
  • radioactive weapons harm future generations, animals and the environment