Human nature

Cards (9)

  • Human nature

    How do/should humans interact with each other and with the world?
  • early classical liberals like Locke, and neo-liberals like Hayek, believe that individuals are naturally  blessed with such qualities
  • Mill and modern liberals like Rawls tend to think that such qualities are potential features of human nature, to be developed by enlightened liberal authorities. This is why modern liberals endorse Mill’s concept of individuality — one that refers to what individuals could become, once ‘enabled’ to fulfil their potential
  • Liberals
    Prioritise the importance of the individual
  • Liberals' view of human nature
    • People are rational beings who are capable of pursuing their own interests and making their own decisions
    • People have the potential to do this, if they are enabled to do so
  • Classical liberals

    Believe that people's behaviour should be restricted only where they are at risk of threatening the freedom of others
  • Mill's 'harm principle'
    People's behaviour should be restricted only where they are at risk of threatening the freedom of others
  • Modern liberals
    Favour more intervention by the state to combat social injustice
  • Liberals believe that society needs to be tolerant of different beliefs