Big Data

Cards (13)

  • Which of the three Vs of big data describes that the data consists of many different types of data?
  • Define big data
    A catch-all term for data that won’t fit the usual containers.
  • How is useful information extracted from big data?
    By using machine learning techniques to discern patterns in the data
  • Which programming paradigm is well-suited to processing big data?
    Functional programming
  • List the three Vs of big data
    • Volume
    • Velocity
    • Variety
  • Which property of data structures in functional programs means that their value doesn’t change after instantiation?
  • Why can’t big data be stored using conventional databases?
    Conventional databases require data to conform to a row and column format
  • What represents relationships between entities in graph schema?
  • What is the most challenging aspect of big data?
    The data’s lack of structure
  • Which property of functional programs means that they have no side effects?
  • Using the fact-based model, how can a computer ensure that it uses the most recent available information?
    Compare the timestamps of the facts
  • Which three features of functional programs make it easier to write correct, efficient, distributed code?
    • Statelessness
    • Immutability
    • Support for higher-order functions
  • What is represented by nodes in graph schema?