china viewed as super power

Cards (6)

  • Theme 1: For - economic power
    • since market reforms of deng xiaoping in 1978, in 2015 - IMF raned china as number one economic super power - china produced 17% of world GDP
    • china's economy overtaken US by purchasing power and due to overtake in absolute terms by 2030
    • annual growth rates for china have been 8-10% a year for almost 30 years - twice the level for western economies
    • europe dependent on china's economy, france and german economy
  • Theme 1: Against
    • people republic of china's economic strength is far smaller and poorer than Us
    • china's average income (GDP) is $4,813 and Americas is $54,132 (2021)
    • tensions between free market economic system and the marxist communist political system
    • china's large population (1 billion) is the reason for it overtaking USA economy
  • Theme 2: For - global influence
    • china has been strengthening its political and economic links with countries such as australia and those in central africa, parts of the middle east and latin america
    • china recently broke peace deal between saudi arabia and iran - in beijing
    • grown more assertive globally through its wolf-warrior diplomacy
    • openly challenges the US economic system
    • uses trade and economic might to silence critics or harm them if they question it e.g. australia over covid
  • Theme 2: Against
    • china remains a poor country with living standards of only 1/5 of america's
    • china's relative poverty will act as a major constraint on china's capacity to appeal, it's soft power, for several decades
    • china does not behave in an 'imperial' way in africa and largely ignores the politics of the countries, working with any government
  • Theme 3: For - military expansion
    • china has been a nuclear power since 1964 and has the second largest military behind the US
    • has the largest navy in the world
    • over 2.3 million in active service with additional 1.1 million as reserves
    • china converting its economic might into military might, sign of up coming superpower
  • Theme 3: Against
    • china does not have same military capabilities
    • US accounts for 37% of global military spending and spends more than four times what china the world number two spender does
    • US dominates across land, sea, air and space
    • china has not fought in any recent wars and does not have the practical experience the US has
    • US has dozens of military bases in the region, including guam and within japan and south korea