The EU is widely agreed to be the most famous example of regionalism, due to the unique level of integration amongst its member states and its expanding membership
The EU is a collection of 28 European countries and both intergovernmental and supranational institutions, and is designed to promote cooperation centred to its shared values, aims and agreements
the EU is an example of a regional bloc that focuses on economic and political union. Its member states have integrated so widely and deeply arguably be seen as an example of federalism
in a federal system, power is shared between a central authority above nation state level and state level authority
regionalism had ad an impact on the world order and reshaped the international stage, making international relations less state - centric.
intergovernmentalism is when member states make all of the decisions. decisions are not delegated to separate institutions and non institutions can force states to do something that they do not agree with
supranationalism is the regional organisation making all of the decisions and imposes them on its member states. The European commission is the only part that can propose new laws and in many policy areas the law will be agreed if at least 55% of the member states representing at least 65% of the EU population agrees.
The EU has been successful in preventing violent conflict between its member states - 1993 ECSC subsequently became EU and established the Maastricht treaty.
Eu has left with a legacy and clear mission to promote the liberal values of democracy and freedom - the liberal idea of democratic peace theory
Economic union: Schengen Agreement have created a travel zone in which there are no border or passport checks and allows free movement of labour
goods have freemovemnt in a single market region
capital - single currency - move freely
Key challenges for the euro have included
creation of new EU institutions for the Eurozone in the form of the European Central Bank which has the power to set monetary policy for the eurozone area
ensuring that members of the eurozone all tax and spend responsibly - bail out Greece
Social and political union of the EU
creation of huge amount of laws
reduce unemployment due to the euoprean social fund gives money to projects
EU has harmonised labour law
judicial and policing
EU has also introduced close cooperation on justice and policing matters between member states, including coordination of law and enforcement on matters such as international terrorism and organised crime
EU has persuasive advocate for human rights - ECHR
ECHR has a wider membership than the EU
The EU has also established own charter of fundamental rights, which sets out specific rights that should be in place for all European citizens
the EU has often been criticised for lacking the means and the will to intervene militarily to uphold human rights - did not play a major role in Yugoslavia
ASEAN focus is on promoting economic growth as well as peace and stability in the region and it has the aim of becoming a full economic community. they have as security aim to resolve conflicts and allow visa free travel in the region and its security cooperation involves sharing intelligence
success of ASEAN
AFTA was signed, any country that has joined since has had too sign the agreement
ASEAN has put pressures on Myanmar to adopt reofrms
In 2008, a landmark agreement was ratified which all ten members eventually greened on. it deepens economic integration, turned ASEAN into a legal entity
failures of ASEAN
Criticised for all talk, no action. it relies on consensus and non-interference which has reinforced authoritarian governance in the region
The Bali summit saw members back a general democratic principle that is somewhat incongruous with some member states