Different stages/events take place to improve an area. Development measures how economically, socially, culturally or technologically advanced a country is.
Development indicators
GDP per capita
Measures of inequality (Gini coefficient)
Political corruption (corruption perceptions index)
GDP per capita
Total value of goods and services a country produces in a year. Divided by population.
Composite indicator- life expectancy, literacy rates, GDP per capita. 0= least developed. 1= most developed.
Measures of inequality (Gini coefficient)
Measure of economic inequality. 0 (equal) and 1 (total inequality)
Political corruption (corruption perceptions index)
Measure of level of corruption existing in the public sector between 1-100. Lower score= more corruption.
Fertility rates
Death rates
Maternal mortality rates
Infant mortality rates
Fertility rate
Average number of births per woman.
Death rate
The number of deaths per thousand of the population per year.
Maternal Mortality
The number of women who die due to pregnancy related problems per hundred thousand live births.
Infant Mortality
The number of babies who die under 1 year old, per thousand babies born.
Differences in fertility rate, death rate, maternal mortality, infant mortality
Differences in population structure
Differences in education and health
Differences in income, trade, investment, pressure on services
Acquiring control over another country, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.
Dominance of poor countries by rich countries, not by direct political control. Control them by economic power and cultural influence.
Poor climate and topography
Lower nutrition, quality of life, crop yields, infrastructure development, international trade
Authoritarian systems of governance
Able to implement development policies without opposition, good for economic development
Democratic governments
Development less extreme, different interest groups prevent huge growth or economic collapse
Corrupt governments
Hinder development, money taken away from development
Lack of education
Cycle of poverty, inability to get skilled jobs
Poverty and disease
Lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality, difficulty accessing healthcare
Poverty and political instability
Increased crime, civil wars, conflict
Developing countries dependent on richer countries