culturally defined relationships between individuals
what are the 3 types of kinship?
formed by several families living together by family ties, common descendants, friendships, affiliations and members usually have common interest of enemies
acephalous poitical system
group without a distinct leader
formal leadership exists and authority rests solely on the members of a a select family
2 types of chiefdom
simple and complex chiefdom
ruled by a single family
simple chiefdom
ruled by a single paramount chief
complex chiefdom
groups of people that shared a common history, language, traditions, customs, habits, and ethnicity
moral and ethical concept that bestows one who possesses power the right to exercise such power since such is perceived to be justified and proper
the power to make binding decisions and issue commands
necessary for a leader
to possess authority
3 types of authority
traditional authority, charismatic authority, and rational-legal authority
derived from well established customs, habits, and social structures
traditional authority
emanates from charisma of the individual
charismatic authority
comes from formal rules promulgated by the state through its fundamental and implementing laws
rational-legal authority
also known as scars
studies how to allocate scars
how people choose to use their resources through proper allocation
the agencies devoted to collecting economic data and commisioned with the job of supplying a good service impacts to the economy of country
economic institutions
3 types of economic institutions
government agencies, government-owned financial institutions, and government-regulated market institutions
economic institutions which are not owned or regulated by the local government
non-state institutions
company that is authorized by a state to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law for certain purposes
autonomous association of person united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural aspirations
entities by formal political agreements between their members who have the status of international treaties
international organizations
advocates of principle causes ideas and values such as human rights and environment
transnational advocacy group
agencies that were formed as a response for war damage and industrial decline
development groups
organization based on membership of employees in various traders
trade unions
occupation and profession whose focus is representation of its members at the workplace and in the wider society
trade unions
world's biggest religion
uses bible as religious scripture
rejected the practices of Christianity
denomination and sect
larger number compared to sect
smaller version of denomination
punished themselves to remind them how Christ suffered and sacrificed
second most popular religion in the world
"quaran" as a religious scripture
believes that followers will get to paradise through practicing of 5 pillars