Biology paper 2 practice questions

Cards (8)

  • Explain how a single base substitution causes a change in the structure of this polypeptide?
    • change in the sequence of amino acids/ primary structure
    • change in hydrogen/ ionic/ disulfide bonds
    • alters tertiary structure
  • example of evaluation of results:
    • both variables increase for both groups
    • no stat test - do not know if differences are significant/ could be due to chance
    • research did not last long
    • might not be true for all - population validity
  • what is a substitution mechanism?
    replacement of a base by a different base in DNA
  • one method of transferring RNAi molecules into cells involves combining these molecules with a lipid. suggest why this increases uptake of RNAi molecules into cells?
    _ cell membrane has a phospholipid bilayer and so no channel/ carrier protein needed for uptake
  • steroid hormones are hydrophobic. explain why steroid hormones can rapidly enter a cell by passing through its cell-surface membrane?
    • lipid soluble
    • diffuses throughphospholipid bilayer
  • suggest an explain why testosterone binds to a specific AR?
    • has a specific tertiary structure
    • structures are complementary
  • The binding of testosterone to an AR changes the shape of the AR. This AR molecule now enters the nucleus and stimulates gene expression. suggest how AR could stimulate gene expression?
    • AR is a transcription factor
    • binds to DNA/ promoter
    • stimulates RNA polymerase
  • suggest how the production of 'antisense' SUT1 mRNA in type A plants would reduce the expression of the SUT1 gene?
    • antisense mRNA is complementary to sense mRNA
    • antisense mRNA would bind/ base pair to sense mRNA forming double-stranded DNA
    • therefore ribosomes would not be able to bind
    • preventing/ less production of SUT1 protein