Diagnostic Procedure

Cards (12)

  • Parasite: Entamoeba histolytica
    Diagnostic Test:
    + Direct Fecal Smear (DFS)
    + Concentration Technique
    + Culture Media:
    = YTI-S-33, Locke's egg medium, Shaffer Ryden Frye Medium, Balamuth's medium, Robinson & Inoki
    + Immunologic Tests:
    = ELISA, Indirect Hematugglutination (IHA), Gel deffusion preciptin (GDP), Indirect Immunofluorence (IIF), PCR
    + Stain:
    = Lugol's iodine (Cyst)
    = Quensel's Methylene Blue (Trophozoite)
  • Parasite: Entamoeba histolytica
    + Freshly passed stool
    + Sigmoidoscopy
    + Materials
    + Hepatic abscess Material
    Infective Stage:
    + Quadrinucleated cyst
    + Mature cyst
    Diagnostic Stage:
    + Cyst and Trophozoite
  • Parasite: Entamoeba hartmanni
    Diagnostic Test: Direct Fecal Smear ( DFS)
    Specimen: Freshly passed Stool
    Infective Stage: Mature Cyst
    Diagnostic Stage: Cyst and Trophozoite
  • Parasite: Entamoeba coli
    Diagnostic Test: Direct Fecal Smear ( DFS)
    Specimen: Freshly passed Stool
    Infective Stage: Mature Cyst
    Diagnostic Stage: Cyst and Trophozoite
  • Parasite: Entamoeba dispar
    Diagnostic Test: Direct Fecal Smear ( DFS)
    Specimen: Freshly passed Stool
    Infective Stage: Mature Cyst
    Diagnostic Stage: Cyst and Trophozoite
  • Parasite: Entamoeba polecki
    Diagnostic Test: Direct Fecal Smear ( DFS)
    Specimen: Freshly passed Stool
    Infective Stage: Mature Cyst
    Diagnostic Stage: Cyst and Trophozoite
  • Parasite: Endolimax nana
    Diagnostic Test: Direct Fecal Smear ( DFS)
    Specimen: Freshly passed Stool
    Infective Stage: Mature Cyst
    Diagnostic Stage: Cyst and Trophozoite
  • Parasite: Iodamoeba butschlii
    Diagnostic Test: Direct Fecal Smear ( DFS)
    Specimen: Freshly passed Stool
    Infective Stage: Mature Cyst
    Diagnostic Stage: Cyst and Trophozoite
  • Parasite: Naegleria fowleri
    Diagnostic Test:
    + Microscopic examination
    + Complete Blood Count
    + Culture:
    = Bacteria Seeded Agar
    = Immunohistochemical staining
    = Immunofluorescent antibody (IFA)
    = PCR
    = CSF Analysis
  • Parasite: Naegleria fowleri
    + CSF
    + Tissue Sample
    + Nasal Discharges
    Infective Stage:
    + Ameboid
    + Trophozoite
    Diagnostic Stage:
    + Ameboid trophozoite
    + Flagellated trophozoite (CSF)
  • Parasite: Acanthamoeba spp.
    Diagnostic test:
    + Microscopy
    + Histologic Examination
    + Indirect Immunofluorescent Assay (IIFA)
    + Calcofluor white stain
    Culture Media:
    + PYGC (Protease-Peptone, Yeast, Glucose, Cysteine)
    + Bacteria Seeded Agar
  • Parasite: Acanthamoeba spp.
    + CSF
    + Brain Tissue
    + Corneal Scrape
    Infective Stage:
    + Trophozoite
    Diagnostic Stage:
    + Cyst and Trophozoite in Tissue