Balantidium coli

Cards (4)

  • Balantidium coli
    • Infective stage: CYST
    • Diagnostic stage: TROPHOZOITE, CYST
    • Mode of Transmission: : Ingestion of food and water contaminated with the cyst (From feces of pigs which are known reservoir hosts)
  • Balantidium coli
    = Disease: Balantidiasis
    • Symptoms often resembles amebic dysentery, abscesses and ulcers may form in the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine.
    • Acute infections are characterized by up to 15 liquid stools daily containing pus, mucus and blood.
    = Diagnosis:
    + Wet preparations,
    + Permanent stained smear
  • Balantidium coli CYST
    + Subspherical to oval shape
    + A double protective cyst wall surrounds the organism.
    + Mature cyst tend to lose their cilia.
    + Strained cysts typically reveal only the macronucleus; the other structure are not usually apparent
    A) Contractile Vacuole
    B) Cilia
    C) Cyst wall
    D) Micronucleus
    E) Macronucleus
  • Balantidium coli TROPHOZOITES
    + Largest protozoan known to humans
    + Ovoid to sac-shaped, tapers at the anterior end
    + Rapid, Rotary, boring motion
    + Small, dotlike nucleus (Micronucleus) is located adjacent to a large
    + Kidney bean-shaped nucleus (Macronuclues)
    A) Food Vacuole
    B) Contractile Vacuole
    C) Cilia
    D) Macronucleus
    E) Micronucleus
    F) Cytostome