Post Councils after 1713

Cards (7)

  • What ended the English-French rivalry over Hudson's Bay?
    What ended the English-French rivalry over Hudson's Bay was the Treaty of Utrecht.
  • After 1713, Post Councils moved from one type of system to another. What were the systems? What were the implications of changing the system?
    After 1713, Post Councils moved from a military system to one based on British Common Law. This meant Post Councils took on the role of juries and also granted the accused more legal rights.
  • Despite the change to another system Post Councils possessed what was observed amongst those appointed in charge of Post Councils?
    There was considerable variation in the manner that different Bayside Governors and Company officers enforced rules and compliance. Some cruel and inhumane and others were well liked and respected.
  • Paternalistic System
    Servants a part of the family – treated as poor relatives – in exchange for their labour and loyalty.
  • Capitalist System
    Wage labour set by market forces.
  • What led to a conflict between masters and subordiantes?
    What led to a conflict between masters and subordinates was the strain of the transition from a paternalistic mode to a capitalist system. Rules were enforced through disciplinary paternalism
  • What is paternalism?
    Paternalism is:
    • A term that appeared as a critique of personal liberty and autonomy (Kant, 1785; Mills, 1859).
    • A critical term applied in the West to the belief in a social order based on class hierarchy.
    • Those in positions of authority restrict the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest.