Cards (7)

  • Presbyterians
    Were an ethnically homogenous, mainly Scottish, denomination. Greatest concern amongst them were sins involving the flesh: sexuality and drinking. The ministers and elderly men decided the outcomes and discipline.
  • Baptists
    Was an ethnically diverse, American, English, Scottish, denomination. However, had weaker community bonds. Greatest concern amongst them was speech that disrupted community harmony. The cases were discussed and voted on by the entire Church members – male and female.
  • Which gender had the most speech-related charges and at what percentage?
    The gender that had the most speech-related charges were men – at 75%.
  • Who provided testimony and what happened if the Church concluded accusations were false?
    The witnesses provided testimony regarding accusations. If the Church concluded accusations were false, the informant could be charged with slander.
  • What are some penalties and punishments enacted by the Church?
    Some of the penalties and punishments enacted by the Church are:
    • Temporary suspension or permanent expulsion from the Church.
    • Confessions of sin often absolved wrongdoing and restored standing in the Church.
    • Poor women were most reliant on Church for charity. They were impacted the most by these punishments.
  • How was gossip and rumour seen by the Church?
    Gossip and rumour was seen by the Church as legitimate sources of information.
  • When did the regulation of speech disappear and what were the cause of this?
    The regulation of speech by the Church disappeared by the 1880s due to:
    • The emergence of formal legal systems.
    • Social forces including urbanisation, class stratification, and industrialisation.
    • The social forces fostered a division between public and private spheres.
    • Increasing secular and materialistic values emerged with capitalism.