thick, muscular and elasticwalls to withstand the highbloodpressure of blood flowing within
elasticityhelps the arterywall to stretch and recoil
contraction and relaxation of the arterialwallsdivertblood to certainorgans at certaintimes (e.g. dilation of arterioles of skin to divertblood to skincapillaries during thermoregulation)
transportsbloodback to the heart
blood in the veins has lowerpressure and speed, so it has a tendency to backflow
veins have valves to preventbackflow of blood
thinnerwalls than arteries since bloodflows more slowly and smoothly compared to the blood in the arteries
Poor blood circulation
when we sit for too long without much movement, pressure can build in the veins of the lower limbs, causing poor blood circulation and blood to pool in the legs
skeletal muscles and movement are important to ensure blood returns to the heart
Blood capillaries
Facilitateexchange of substancesbetweenblood and tissuecells in the body
walls of bloodcapillariespartiallypermeable and madeup of a singlelayer of flattenedcells, decreasingdiffusiondistance
vesselstiny and numerouslybranched, increasingsurfacearea for exchange of substances, and increasingtotalcrosssectionalarea of bloodvessels, loweringbloodpressure and slowingbloodflow, increasingtime for exchange of substances
Continuousbloodflowthroughcapillariesallow for steepconcentrationgradient
Tissue fluid
colourlessfluid that filled the spacesbetweencells in tissue
transportdissolvedsubstancesbetweenbloodcapillaries and tissuecells