Movement of blood in a doublecirculation from the heart to the lungs to the heart and from the heart to the rest of the bodyback to the heart
In a doublecirculation, the blood has to passthrough the hearttwice in onecompletecircuit.
Main Blood Vessels
pulmonary vein
pulmonary artery
hepatic artery
hepatic portal vein
hepatic vein
renal artery
renal vein
The Structure and Function of the Heart
1. Four chambers
• Two atria (rightatrium, leftatrium)
• Two ventricles (rightventricle, leftventricle)
2. Median septum
3. Valves
• tricuspid valves
• bicuspid valves
• aortic valves (semi-lunarvalves in the aorta)
• pulmonary valves (semi-lunarvalves in the pulmonaryartery)
Blood should move from atrium to ventricle
Bloodmoves from area of highpressure to lowpressure
Ventricularpressureexceeds the atrialpressure when the muscularwalls of the ventricles are contracting to forcebloodout of the heart
Blood would movefrom the ventricle to the atrium, from area of higherpressure to lowerpressure
The atrioventricularvalves in the heart will be forcedclose when the pressure in the ventriclesexceeds the pressure in the atria, preventingblood from backflowing from ventricles into atria.
Hole in the Heart
Thehole in the medianseptum will result in the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenatedblood, thereby reducing the concentrationgradient for oxygen (and carbondioxide) and reducesefficiency of gasexchange
This condition may cause problems such as shortness of breath, fatigue and heart failure.
Systole and Diastole
Systole = Contraction
Diastole = Relaxation
Atrial systole - Atriumcontracts
Atrial diastole - Atriumrelaxes
Ventricular systole - Ventriclecontracts
Ventricular diastole - Ventriclerelaxes
Cardiac Cycle
Onecardiaccycle consists of oneventricular systole and oneventricular diastole
CardiacCycle Graph (part 1)
slightincrease in ventricularpressure due to contraction of left atrialmuscles, forcingblood into ventricle
ventricularmuscles begin to contract, bicuspidvalve closes
ventricularmusclescontinue to contractwithoutchange in volume of blood, pressurecontinues to rise
pressure in ventriclebecomeshigher than in aorta.Semi-lunarvalve in aortaopens.Blood is forcedout into the aorta, volume of blood in ventricledecreases
Cardiac cycle Graph (part 2)
6. Ventricularmusclescontinue to relaxwithoutchange in volume of blood
7. Bicuspidvalveopens when pressure in ventricle becomes lower than in atrium
8. Pressure in ventriclerises as bloodcontinues to enterventricle from atrium