fattysubstances such as cholesterol and saturatedfats may be deposited on the innersurface of coronaryarteries (atherosclerosis)
narrows the lumen of the arteries and increasesbloodpressure, affectedarterydevelops rough innersurface, increasingrisk of bloodclotsforming in the arteries
supply of blood and oxygen to heartmuscles is cutoff, withoutoxygen that is needed for aerobicrespiration to releaseenergy from activities in musclecells, the heartmusclecells may becomedamaged
Heart attack
Coronaryheartdisease can cause bloodsupply to the heartmuscle to be greatlyreduced due to blockage of the artery
bloodflow to the heart may be blocked, causing the heart to notreceivesufficientoxygen and nutrients, so part of the heartmuscledies, extensiveheartdamage is fatal since the heart is nolongerable to pumpblood to the rest of the body
Risk factors of heart disease
smoking - cigarettesmoke contains CO and nicotine.Nicotineincreasesbloodpressure and risk of bloodclotting in arteries, carbonmonoxidebinds to haemoglobin to formcarboxyhaemoglobin, reducingamount of oxygencarried to heart
unhealthydiet - diethigh in cholesterol, saturatedfats and saltincreasesrisk of highbloodpressure
geneticfactors - highbloodpressure and highbloodcholesterol can runinfamily
age - riskincreases with age
sedentarylifestyle - lack of exercise and beinginactivelead to build-up of fattydeposits that blockarteries