a hypotheticalmarket where competition is at its greatest level possible
CONDITIONS- 1.homogenous products
the products being sold are identical and easily substitutable for each other
CONDITIONS-2. ease of entry into and exit from market
businesses will keep an eye out for possibilities to make new products so they can make lots of profit,if large profits can be made in a particular market new suppliers can easily join that market
CONDITIONS- 3.large number of buyers and sellers
they are all price takers-they have to buy or sell at the price dictated by the market
CONDITIONS- 4. perfect knowledge
full information
makes it easy for them to compare prices
CONDITIONS- 5. buyers and sellers act rationally
buyer and sellers act in their own selfinterest
CONDITIONS- 6. resources are mobile
businesses use land,labour and capital to make products.
if those resources are mobile it means they can easily be moved away from a less profitable market to a more profitable market
CONDITIONS- 7. consumers have sovereignty
sovereignty means marketpower
consumers make buying decisions that decide how resources are to be allocated
Law of demand
there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded
represents the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services
income effect
when a product becomes more expensive fewer people have the income needed to buy it : quantity demanded decreases
substitution effect
when a product becomes more expensive some buyers will look for a cheaper alternative: quantity demanded decreases
demand curve
shows the total quantity of the product demanded at any givenprice