Importance of good moral conduct in the christian way of life:
Christians should obey the teachings of the bible which is the word of god
Kingdom of god is built through caring for each other
Christians give glory to god through the way they live
Good conduct will be rewarded in the afterlife
Justification by faith:
to be counted by god and have a relationship with him
eschatological--> concerned with ultimate fate of humanity
Justification by faith: thinking of paul
"i have the desire to do what is good" -paul
due to original sin it is impossible for humans to earn a good relationship with god so they can only be saved by gods grace
new realtionship with god formed
Justification by faith: thinking of martin luther
sola scriptura
faith of the believer is passive; jusification by faith is through the atonement with jesus
good conduct has no saving value
Justification by works:
"faith without deeds is dead"
faith on its own is useless, even demons believe in god
faith is expressed through works e.g. when abraham was willing to sacrifice his son for god
parable of the sheep and goats, judgement is based on humans help for or failure to help those in need
judgement is carried out universally
" only the one who does the will of my father is in heaven"
Justification by faith and works:
catholic church
jusification is gods gift to humanity
through atoning death of jesus and baptism
holy spirit enables us to live good lives
justification by works is a response to gods grace
God has decided who will be justified based on the belief that god is omnipotent and omniscient
Predestination through teaching of paul:
Pauls letter to the romans implies that god has decided in advance who would be justified
However for paul, gods purpose cannot be known or understood by humans
God could just know how humans would choose to act through free will so he could know predestination in that sense
Predestination through teaching of augustine:
Predestination is an act of grace, determined through human goodness and not election by god
God is beyond understanding for us to know why he saved and condemned others
God predestines people to heaven or hell based off punishment or reward from human actions
Pelaguis opposed augustine saying that free will is incompatible with predestination
Predestination through teaching of calvin:
Double predestination= Calvinist belief that god chooses who to send to heaven or hell
He decided before creation
Due to original sin everyone deserves damnation but god choose some due to his grace.
Evaluation of predestination:
Catholic church rejects calvins teaching
"God predestines noone to go to hell"
It makes god unjust
Contrasts with the view that god is merciful, forgiving and loving.
Contrasts with view of free will
Sanctity of life:
human life has intrinsic value
every life has the same value for god
humans are created in the image of god in genesis
nepesh hayya= living soul
STRONG SANCTITY OF LIFE--> All humans have a right to life and shouldnt be taken away by abortion or euthanasia
WEAK SANCTITY OF LIFE--> Human life is sacred but there are some exceptions in some circumstances, takes into account quality of life.
Applying the sanctity of life principle:
Strong sanctity of life: catholics and protestants--> personhood begins at conception due to a genetic blueprint being produced at fertilisation
at conception, there is a right to life and protection
"human life must be protected and respected absolutely from conception"-catechism of the catholic church
Intentions of embryo research is good however the act itself is wrong, the end doesnt justify the means as embryo doesnt give consent, disobeys bible principle to protect vulnerable, seen as murder and could develop to designer babies.
Weak sanctity of life principle:
church of england and many protestants
the embryo is only a potential person
church of england teaches that embryo research is acceptable only before 14 days
it views abortion as a greater moral evil but it is the lesser of two evils
mothers life takes priority over the embryo
or even rape, disability on child
Strengths of sanctity of life:
respect for human life
protection of vulnerable
true to jesus' teaching of agape and compassion
weak allows adjustments as an act of desperation
Weakness of sanctity of life:
ignores modern science and that humans evolve from animals
devalues animals (anthropocentric view)
view on abortion leads to women being devalued
unloving and lacks compassion (strong)
Just war theory:
in early stages, the church was pacifist
just war theory developed by augustine and aquinas
lus ad bellum-->conditions to make war justifiable
lus in bello-->the way in which war must be fought
WOMD: weapons
atomic, biological and chemical
atomic bomb in hiroshima caused environmental damage for years and killing of innocent civilians
these dont fulfill the just war criteria of discrimination, proportionality and probability of success
Christian views on application of just war theory to WOMD:
weapons are intrinsically evil
pope francis is against it
others believe these weapons should be minimised
used as deterrent
Dominion and stewardship:
Dominion--> having power over the created world
stewardship--> care for the world, being gods agents
Christians and dominion:
many christians have a anthropocentric view on the universe
aquinas thought that animals were irrational, had no souls and existed for the purpose of humanity
he opposed being cruel as that could lead to humans being cruel to each other
animals are property
" you made them rule over the works of your hands"-pslam
"everything that lives and moves around will be food for you"
humans are created in gods image
The role of humans as being stewards:
humans are the guardian of creation, looking after it for god
we have responsibility
"saw and it was good" link to the environment
Andrew linzey saw the world as theocentric (god-centred)
Environmental crisis:
burning of fossil fuels
lots of pollution
"the earth was here before us"-pope francis
eco-theology- relationship between religion and nature