
Cards (8)

  • Background
    • Homosexuality between men was considered mental illness for the first half of the 20th century.
    • Men convicted of homosexual acts were routinely given electric shock treatment and were subject to brainwashing techniques. 
  • Traditional teaching - Roman Catholic
    • The bible condemns all forms of homosexual practice as it breaks the covenant relationship between God and his people
    • 'You shall not lie with a male as with a women; it is an abomination’ Leviticus
    • A primary percept of marriage is procreation, homosexual practise cannot procreate, therefore is wrong
    • Sex must remain open to the possibility of children
    • Homosexual relationships are an improper and misdirected use of sexual organs, they are 'intrinsically disordered’
    • Homosexuality must be treated with ‘respect, comparison and dignity’
  • Liberal teaching
    • Liberal Christians are inspired by the idea of Jesus the liberator, whose message was to let the ‘oppressed go free’
    • The bible must be read in a historical context
    • Christianity has a strong sense of justice for the marginalised and so it is right and proper to value all human relationships as all people are made in the image of God
    • Sexual orientation is not a choice, it is given by God and should be valued.
    • Jesus didn't distinguish between people based on their sexual orientation.
    • It is the role of the Church to be inclusive
    • The church must adapt itself to society
  • Harris
    • Harris believes that sex activities should not even be viewed in a moral context.
    • Sex acts that take place between 2 consenting adults must be disgusting by others, but this is not a moral reaction.
    • People have the right to be protected from danger and disgusting behaviour against their will, but they have no right stopping others from activities that don’t harm another.
  • 'God loves us all alike'
  • Homosexuality was criminalised until 1967
  • Devlin
    • If homosexuality was legal it would undermine society because we have a common morality and purpose to survive and reproduce.
    • Therefore, if you legalise homosexuality that will be lost.
    • It might not be causing harm, but as a collective morality the UK needed to stand against homosexuality because of what it represented for reproduction. 
    • Homosexuality could jeopardise societies existence.
    • Society must take steps to preserve its own existence even if is means prohibiting sexual immorality.
  • Hart
    • Challenged Devlin.
    • Society should enforce only a minimal morality based on protection from harm.
    • There is a distinction between what is immoral and what is affront to public decency.
    • Finds it difficult to see how a private act could do harm.