Types of sampling

Cards (11)

  • what is meant by the term 'sampling'?
    taking a small representative proportion of a habitat/population, then multiplying up number of individuals
  • what problems can sampling cause?
    • not always representative of population even if it's random
    • could cause damage itself - trampling, digging pitfall traps
  • what factors affect the number of samples to take?
    • time availability
    • diversity of habitat
    • size of habitat
  • what is a pilot study?
    • where you record how many new species there are for each successive quadrat
    • when this plateaus (e.g. don't find any new species) this represents the minimum number of quadrats to use
  • why use random sampling?
    • random to avoid bias in results
    • ensures results are more representative of the habitat
  • what is opportunistic sampling?
    • weakest form of sampling as it may not be representative of population, uses organisms that are conveniently available
  • what is stratified sampling?
    • some populations can be divided into a number of strata (sub-groups) based on a particular characteristics
    • a random sample is taken from each of these strata proportional to its size
  • in which situations would systematic sampling be used?
    • the effects of trampling if a footpath crosses a habitat
    • the effects of light intensity as moving away from a tree
    • a change in organisms along the bank of a river
  • how do you complete a transect?
    • rope/tape is stretched across a habitat
    • in a large habitat
    • record plants that touch the line at set intervals (e.g. every 2 meters)
    • could also use quadrats at set intervals - called an interrupted belt transect, which produces quantitative data
  • how do you complete a belt transect?
    • place quadrat beside line
    • move it along the line to sample a belt or band in greater detail
    • produces quantitative data
  • how can effects of unrepresentative data be minimised?
    • use a larger sample
    • greater number of individuals studies, the lower the probability that chance will influence the result