Cultural Variations

Cards (12)

  • Ainsworth suggested that " secure " was the ideal attachment type in all countries. This lead to misinterpretation of parent styles in non American countries. This demonstrates ethnocentrism, she believed her country was the norm
  • Van Ijzendoorn et al ( 1998 ) conducted meta analysis with 32 studies based in 8 countries, examining infant caregiver behaviours. All infants were younger than 2 years.
  • Van Ijzendoorn et al ( 1998 ) studied research from:
    USA, West Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Sweden, Israel, Japan and China
  • Van Ijzendoorn et al ( 1998 ) found three key findings.
    1. Secure attachment was the most common type of attachment
    2. Israel and Japan ( collectivist ) showed higher levels of insecure resistant
    3. Germany ( individualistic ) showed higher levels of insecure avoidant
  • Simonella ( 2014 ) assessed 76 one year olds in Italy. 50 % were secure, 36 % were avoidant and 14 % were resistant. The low rate of secure was explained that mothers were working long hours to increase economy.
  • AO3. Cultural variation research supports Bowlby. It was found that the universal attachment type is “ secure ”, supporting Bowlby’s ideas that attachments are innate and adaptive. This means that despite cultural variation, there is a universal attachment type, suggesting an ideal way to raise children. However, this universal similarity may be due to an increase of globalisation, as non western cultures are increasingly available, changing norms and values
  • AO3. A limitation of cultural variation is the procedure of comparing cultures. It’s difficult to compare two cultures when they have different norms and values. There are also sub cultures within cultures impacting behaviour. This means that it’s difficult to conduct cultural research without being ethnocentric.
  • AO3. A limitation of cultural variation is the methodology of meta analysis. Each study used within the meta analysis used Ainsworth’s strange situation which may not be applicable in other cultures where children are exposed to strangers regularly. This suggests that there is etic, a study made for western cultures and ppts has been used in non western cultures.
  • AO3. A limitation of van Ijzendoorn is that their sample was biased. 27 out of the 32 studies were carried out in individualistic cultures. This means that their results are biased towards individualistic norms so we can not accurately generalise the results to collectivistic cultures, lowering the population validity. However, the overall sample size is around 1900 infants, which is a strength as other research in this area is smaller
  • Secure attachment was the most common type of attachment 
  • Israel and Japan ( collectivist ) showed higher levels of insecure resistant 
  • Germany ( individualistic ) showed higher levels of insecure avoidant