AO3: Asch

Cards (5)

  • Limitation: Artificial situation and task
    What? Task and situation artificial
    Who? Demand characteristics + Fiske - groups unrepresentative of real life
    Why? Ungeneralisable
  • Limitation: Limited Application
    What? Participants were American men
    Who? Neto - Women more conformist + US = individualist culture (Conformity higher in collectivist cultures)
    Why? Tells us little about conformity in women and other cultures
  • Strength: Research support
    What? Research support for task difficulty variation
    Who? Lucas et al. - participants conformed more when problems harder
    Why? Task difficulty correct
  • Counterpoint: Research support
    What? Conformity more complex
    Who? Lucas et al. - More confident participants conformed less
    Why? Individual-level factors can influence conformity
  • Limitation: Ethical issues
    What? Deception
    Who? Participants thought confederates were real
    Why? Weigh up cost-benefit