merger is a combination of 2 or more separate states to form a single, united country [in 1963, Singapore, Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah merged to form the Federation of Malaya]
The combination of two or more separate states to form a single united country
The Barisan Socialis feared that after merger, Singapore would be under-represented in the Malaysian parliament and hence become second-class citizens in Malaysia
Tunku Abdul Rahman was concerned that merger would bring about racial imbalance, fearing that the predominantly Chinese population in Singapore would be reluctant to accept a Malay Sultan as their Head of State and the Chinese would eventually outnumber the Malays in Malaysia
Tunku was concerned that many Chinese in Singapore had sympathies for the communists and feared that these attitudes would spread to the rest of Malaysia
Tunku realized that merger was needed for Malaya to preserve its influence in Singapore's InternalSecurityCouncil, which would allow it to also contain the communistthreat in Singapore
The fear of growing communist influence in the Singapore government became more real after the Hong Lim by-election in April 1961 and the Anson by-election
Tunku feared that this meant the rise of a radical PAP that wanted to achieve independence through radical means