serotonin released from pre-synaptic neuron into synaptic cleft, diffuses across to serotonin receptors on post-synaptic neuron and reabsorbed into pre-synaptic neuron
SSRIs prevent reabsorption into pre-synaptic neuron and increases levels of serotonin in synapse, increasing concentration at receptors, increasing stimulation of receiving nerve
improves mood and reduces anxiety
how do anti-anxiety drugs treat OCD?
BZs - enhance action of GABA, tells brain to slow down
reducing influence on brain activity, reducing anxiety common in OCD sufferers due to obsessive irrational thoughts
nervous system slows down making sufferer feel more relaxed
anti-anxiety and anti-depressants are now more effective (than e.g. triglycerides) as they are more specific to a hormone/neurotransmitter, don't affect any other hormone activity