SQL Functions and Joins

Cards (50)

  • Aggregate function
    Performs a calculation on a set of values and returns a single value.
  • Aggregate functions:
    • MIN
    • MAX
    • COUNT
    • SUM
    • AVG
  • MIN
    The minimum attribute value encountered in a given column
  • MAX
    The maximum attribute value encountered in a given column
    The number of rows containing non-null values
  • SUM
    The sum of all values for a given column
  • AVG
    The arithmetic mean (average) for a specified column
  • Basic syntax of an aggregate function:
    SELECT FUNCTION(column_name) FROM table_name;
    Is often used with aggregate functions to group the result-set by one or more columns
  • GROUP BY Syntax:
    SELECT columns FROM table_name GROUP BY columns;
  • Use an alias to assign a temporary name to the column. It can also be given to tables.
  • Alias Syntax:
    SELECT column_name AS alias FROM table_name;
    Is used to restrict the output of a GROUP BY query by applying conditional criteria to the grouped rows.
  • HAVING syntax:
    SELECT columns FROM table_name GROUP BY columns HAVING condition;
  • The most commonly used date functions are as follows:
    • YEAR
    • MONTH
    • DAY
  • YEAR
    Returns a four-digit year
  • MONTH – returns the number of the month
    DAY – returns the number of the day
    Returns the current date and time
  • Syntax: SELECT GETDATE();
    Adds a number of selected time/date periods to a date then returns the date
  • Syntax: SELECT DATEADD(datepart, number, date);
    Example 1: SELECT DATEADD(month, 2, '2020/12/14');
    Result: 2021-02-14 00:00:00.000
    Returns the difference between two (2) dates
  • Syntax: DATEDIFF(datepart, date1, date2);
    Example: SELECT DATEDIFF(month, '1989-07-25', '2020-02- 14');
    Result: 367
  • ABS
    Returns the absolute value of a number
  • Example: SELECT ABS(-234.5);
    Result: 234.5
    Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
  • Syntax: ROUND(number, decimal places);
    Example 1: SELECT ROUND(234.459, 1);
    Result: 234.500
    Returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to a number
  • Example: SELECT CEILING(234.1);
    Result: 235
    Joins two or more strings together
  • Syntax: CONCAT(string1, string2, …);
    Example: SELECT CONCAT(FirstName + ' ' , LastName) FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = 3446;
    Result: Marco Velasco
    Returns a string in lowercase letters
    Returns a string in all capital letters
  • Example: SELECT UPPER('sql') + ' ' + LOWER('FUNCTIONS');
    Result: SQL functions
    Returns a part of a string
  • Syntax: SUBSTRING(string, start position, length);
    Example: SELECT SUBSTRING('SQL Functions', 1, 3);
    Result: SQL
  • LEN
    Returns the number of characters in a string
  • Example 1: SELECT LEN('SQL Functions');
    Result: 13
  • TRIM
    Removes the spaces or specific characters from start or end of a string
  • Syntax: TRIM([characters FROM ]string);
    Example: SELECT TRIM('<!> ' FROM ' <Functions! >');
    Result: Functions